The Opiate of the Sociopath
Tyranny from the bottom of a beer glass. Delusional apparitions born of the opium den. The brainchild of a haggard, drug-addicted, drunken, atheist, bartender and bully who believed in condemning the human race to scurrying like cockroaches through the filth and manure from which he could not lift himself. The Sociopath who enslaved the mind by playing on decency and innocence through cowardice to create a following of useful idiots, whom, if they had spent any time on learning how to think instead of internalizing what they were told to think, could build upon the successes of the human race.
It is too late for them. They missed their opportunity for decency; instead, becoming sociopaths in their turn through ignorance, division and raw hatred of life enhancing successes.
They judge others by their own base principles, projecting their lack of knowledge and blind hatred upon the intentions and desires of others. Condemning all of humanity to live in the mire which is their uninformed self-loathing and moral and ethical dysfunction; focusing their cowardly efforts on the destruction of all which the progress of human history has proven to be good and uplifting. Their aim is to usurp the dreams and ambitions of a greater future through lies and intimidation and if that fails, brute force and terror.
What they really are is cowards who, when met in the streets by the force of good, disappear as do roaches when the lights come on. They have no interest in fairness, truth or equality, but only power. Power for the sake of power sullies, corrupts and eventually destroys all it can get its grimy hands upon. Marx’s ‘ideas’ have never led to anything but destruction of good. Nothing can limit the sociopaths’ tactics but the forces of decency.
This became evident in Kenosha, WI when one young man there to render first-aid and douse fires during the RIOTS defended himself with bullets and at the same time effectively ended that particular Marxist terror at the cost of two useful idiots. This small cost reveals just how easy it is to defeat the Marxist sociopath. At the first sign of opposition they ran for the safety of the dark crevices where they are most comfortable.
The Marxists had more success in Eastern China (the three states of the US west coast). This because they had long since fooled the populace with their lies and divisiveness into electing officials who installed Marxist sociopaths such as themselves into a vast and ever-expanding bureaucracy. These useful idiots not only turned a blind eye to rioting, arson, looting, rape and murder (the favorite toys of the Marxist sociopath), they provided material and moral support; thereby offering no resistance to their socio/psychopath ‘brothers.’ This is an inside/outside job. A racket! Treason!
The deceit which overtook Eastern China and allowed the worst of humanity to dictate to the best had not sprouted such deep roots in Kenosha to allow the sociopaths a free hand. The manner in which the good must manifest itself was, however, revealed for the world to see.
Had the sociopaths not trod upon the decency of the civilized people of Wisconsin and at least one from Illinois, those two useful idiots may still be alive. It is plain the sociopaths had not sufficiently cowed the people of Wisconsin+1 to kneel before their terror and two of them paid the ultimate price. The other sociopaths, having been abruptly enlightened to the possibility of their sharing this fate, fled.
So long as these sociopaths are protected by higher ranking sociopaths and the power of their lying, indoctrination machine elites, the university and media, they will attempt to destroy everything wholesome, honest and good. Sociopathy is a fun game when there is no price to be paid for it.
How can these sociopaths be stopped? The answer is obvious. Wherever they surface, the good must also surface. This alone will send them scurrying for cover. This is how cowards must be met at every turn. They must be met by the good and decent people who desire peace and prosperity, honesty and forthrightness, because these are the basis for human success and positive growth. Marxism cannot long live in the light of decency. It is the representative of all that is dark and decayed in the hearts and minds (so-called) of the entirety of the human race.
The good can no longer depend upon politicized, corrupted, Marxist infested, institutions and political hackery to protect all they hold dear; but, must take care of themselves and each other. The police cannot cure this sociopathic disease. They have long since surrendered to their sociopathic, woke bosses. The courts add to the sociopathy through corrupt administration for the benefit of corrupt lawyers, not the law and certainly not the good citizens over which they project their own interests and lust for power for its own sake.
The only way to defeat the menace of the Marxist sociopath is to meet it everywhere it pokes its rotten nose out from under the woodwork until either it ages out of or simply loses the energy it takes for them to risk the lives and livelihoods of others at the guaranteed expense of their own.
Show them nothing in this life is free. Historically proven bad ideas, conceived under the influence of drugs and alcohol and carried on by the same, destroy civilized societies. They never engender them. They have been proven time and time again to be the end of civilized societies.
Cast your shadow upon these sociopaths or witness the dawn of a new dark age. A dark age is their mission; for, in their twisted, sociopathic opinion, it is “better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.”
During and after usurping power by force, duplicity or both, history records murder as the Marxist sociopath’s primary solution to every societal issue thoughtful, caring and empathetic human beings would solve through sober deliberations using healthy minds. Marxist sociopaths are neither sober nor healthy of mind.
Remain free and able to speak your mind and act according to your life affirming beliefs. Love your neighbor, but not at the expense of civilization. Confine the sociopaths to the hell of their own self-loathing where and when they dare to venture into the light or they will, given the opportunity, slaughter us by the millions; through outright, violent murder and punitive policies which produce their desired results: starvation and disease followed by death. Marxist sociopaths worship Death.
Let’s go Brandon!
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