I have a couple questions. How many women who called
returning Vietnam War veterans “baby-killers”, killed their own baby(s)? Was
the San Francisco airport just another stop on their road to Planned Parenthood?
I have not
looked into how many babies American veterans of Vietnam actually killed, but
it is no more than an insignificantly tiny fraction of the over 58,000,000
American babies, roughly half of whom would have been men, American women have murdered since Roe v Wade.
Murder is a
woman’s reproductive right. Still, they complain of a lack of equality with men. This is an odd stance to take considering the 30,000,000ish men women have murdered with their reproductive right. While American men have no such right to kill women wholesale at any stage of their development.
killed 6,000,000 Jews. Stalin exterminated as many as 60,000,000 people from
various groups. Mao is variously credited with as many as 100,000,000 murders. American women have killed ten times Hitler's total. They have found their true equal in Uncle Joe Stalin and are well on their way to rivalling Murderous Mao.
America returns to its senses, History will hang a disparaging moniker akin to
Holocaust on the abortion period. Who knew that a woman’s right to do whatever she
wants with her body and the parasite (which is not her) only she can carry would lead to one of the highest body-counts in the history
of the human race?
Equality? Please.