FYI: I have been working on this from time to time over the past years. It is a work in progress and may never be finished. I am posting it for those few among us interested in Phenomenology and/or Existentialism. The idea behind this work is to provide a compendium of the terms involved. Many of which are compounds built by combining other words (as is the case with German nouns in the minds of German thinkers). In other cases new words are born. Much of Phenomenology and Existentialism, although they were a return to the thing itself, are nearly impossible to understand due to the terminology involved and that the same terms can have different meanings depending upon who is writing them. This project began as a quick reference for myself to use after extended periods of not reading Pheno/Exist writings. It seemed I spent too much time reacquainting myself with terms and definitions to get to the actual meaning of the ideas being presented. This piece concentrates on the works of Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre; as they are the most prolific word maker-uppers in this area. As time moves on, I assume I will be adding to and editing this work until death do us part. With that in mind...take this for what it is; an attempt to make the esoteric exoteric. Remember, this is neither complete nor authoritative. Citations are given and can be used to quickly reference specific ideas in the original texts. Any information found without a citation is my editorializing or my attempt at adding additional clarification my studies have revealed to me. Although, I cannot remember where I learned take that too for what it is worth. Grammatical and punctuation errors also exist. As this is an outline, you will find it in your heart to let it slide. If I ever finish this, I will pay more attention to the details than the ideas. None of my offences should be so egregious as to destroy meaning. Thank you and enjoy.! The other person on this planet with an interest in wading through the terminological morass that is Phenomenology/Existentialism. --Shak
The Phenomenologist's/Existentialist’s
Dictionary of Terms/Concordance Outline
Abstractum: A non-self-sufficient essence.
(Husserl, Ideas I, p.29) [examples of] …spatial shape,
visual quality. (Husserl, Ideas I, p.30)
Adumbrated: To
offer a shadowy view of something. To foreshadow vaguely. To suggest, disclose
or outline partially. Overshadow, obscure.
attention, consciousness
Alienating: When Dasein, tranquillized, and
'understanding' everything, thus compares itself with everything, it drifts
along towards an alienation in which its ownmost potentiality-for-Being is
hidden from it (Heidegger, BT, H178(p.222)).
Alimentary: pertaining to food
Ambiguity: When...we encounter the sort of thing which
is accessible to everyone, and about which anyone can say anything, it soon
becomes impossible to decide what is disclosed in a genuine understanding, and
what is not (Heidegger, BT, H173(p.217)). ...presents Dasein's possibilities so that
they will already be stifled in their power (Heidegger, BT, H173(p.218)). ...ensure[s] that what is genuinely and newly
created is out of date as soon as it emerges before the public (Heidegger, BT,
H174(p.218)). ...hides nothing from Dasein's understanding, but only in order
that Being-in-the-world should be suppressed in this uprooted "everywhere
and nowhere" (Heidegger, BT, H177(p.221)).ed. groundless interpretations
(Idle talk) dissolving in an ocean of distraction (Curiosity).
Apodictic: incontestable because demonstrable
consciousness: The consciousness of a[n] [eidetic] necessity […] as a
particularization of an eidetic universality
Ideas I, p. 14)
Apodictic consequence:
The judgement or proposition asserted through apodictic consciousness (Husserl,
Ideas I, p. 14)
a specific type of declaratory statement that can determine the truth or
falsity of a logical proposition or phenomenon ( ...letting an entity be seen from itself (Heidegger,
BT, H154(p.196)).
Setting down the
subject, setting down the predicate, and setting down the two together...
(Heidegger, BT, H155(p.197)).
a posteriori: "from the latter" (Latin) reasoning or knowledge proceeding from
observation or experience to the deduction of probable causes.
a priori: "from the earlier" (Latin) reason
or knowledge proceeding from theoretical deduction rather than from observation
or experience. theoretical
As, the: ...what it is for (purpose) ...makes up the
structure of the explicitness of something that is understood (Heidegger, BT,
Existential-hermeneutical 'as': The primordial 'as' of an interpretation
which understands circumspectively...
(Heidegger, BT, H159(p.201)).
Apophantical 'as': The 'as' of assertion (Heidegger, BT,
Assertion: a pointing-out which gives something a
definite character and which communicates (Heidegger, BT, H156(p.199)) Arise[s]
from circumspective interpretation (Heidegger, BT, H157(p.200)) ... ...three
significations...encompass the full structure of assertion
out: The primary signification
of "assertion" [...] has in view the entity itself and not...a mere representation of it (Heidegger, BT,
predication: Within ...pointing
out, the elements which are Articulated in predication--the
subject and predicate--arise [...] In 'setting down the subject', we dim entities down to focus in [on
them], so that by thus dimming them down we may
let that which is manifest be seen in
its own definite character as a character that
can be determined (Heidegger, BT, H155(p.197)).
communication: ...letting someone see with us what we have
pointed out by way of giving
it a definite character [...] ...can be passed along in 'further retelling' (Heidegger, BT, H155(p.197)).
Assignment: see
Being-in-the-world: ...a non-thematic circumspective absorption
in references or assignments constitutive for the readiness-to-hand of a
totality of equipment (Heidegger, BT, H76(p.107)). ...basic state of Dasein by
which every mode of its Being gets co-determined (Heidegger, BT, H117(p.153)).
Being-with: an
existential characteristic of Dasein even when factically no Other is
present-at-hand or perceived (Heidegger, BT, H120(p.156)). syn. Dasein-with: those entities towards
which Dasein as Being-with comports
itself...are themselves Dasein (Heidegger, BT, H122(p.157)).
-one-another: Dasein's Dasein-with and the Other's
Dasein-with with one another. interpretation 12.31.15
Being, inauthentic
(modes of): everyday
being-among-one-another, distantiality, averageness, leveling down, publicness,
the disburdening of one's Being and accommodation (Heidegger, BT, H128(p.166)).
...the primordial Being of Dasein (Heidegger, BT, H131(p.169)).
Centripetal: proceeding or directed toward the
center. ant. centrifugal
Cogitatio: …a
mental process of consciousness. […] the full concrete mental awareness of (something). (Husserl, Ideas I,
Cogitatum: the
thing itself, its extension… something perceived. (Husserl, Ideas I, p.69)
Communication: Discourse which expresses itself (Heidegger,
BT, H168(p.211)). Its tendency of Being
is aimed at bringing the hearer to participate in disclosed Being-towards what
is talked about in the discourse (Heidegger, BT, H168(p.211-212)).
Conatus: an effort or striving. Spinoza's drive to self-preservation.
conation: striving
Concern: an ontological term for an existentiale, and
will designate the Being of a possible way of Being-in-the-world (Heidegger,
BT, H57(p.8)). Dasein's Being towards the world (Heidegger, BT, H57(p.84)).
syn. Care, Solicitude (when referencing the Other)
Concretum: An
absolutely self-sufficient essence.
(Husserl, Ideas I,
p.29) Examples of…real thing, visual phantom (sensuously filled appearing
visual shape), mental process and the like. (Husserl, Ideas I, p.30)
1. Intentional/Positional/Thetic/For-itself
A. Consciousness is always of or about
The positing of objects distinct from consciousness itself.
2. Non-intentional/Non-positional/Non-thetic/In-itself
Consciousness which consciousness has of itself.
B. To be conscious of objects, consciousness
must be aware of itself as not being the objects.
A. Self 'by me'
1) Identify 'problems'
2) Conceive theoretical solutions
3) Adapt solutions for new problems (Sartre,
Emotions, p. 53)
A. World
1) Perception
2) Action (Sartre, Emotions, p. 53)
> Identify > Conceive
> Act > Adapt
a. Action as spontaneous unreflective consciousness
constitutes a certain existential level in
the world [...] in order to act it is not necessary to be conscious of
the self as acting (Sartre, Emotions, p.
56 - 57).
> Act
Not 'unconscious' (as psychoanalysis would have it), but conscious of itself non-thetically (Sartre, Emotions, p.
Emotional consciousness
A. Consciousness of the world (z.b. fear
1) Unreflective
2) Non-positional (Sartre, Emotions, p. 51)
Emotion returns to the object (z.b. the something feared) [...]and is
fed there.
Three types of consciousness (Sartre, PI, p. 10)
A. Perception - observe - synthetic unity of a
multiplicity of appearances
B. Conception - think - knowledge which is
conscious of itself and places itself at once at the center
of the object (Sartre, PI, p. 10).
C. Imagination -
Conspicuousness (mode
of): Presents the ready-to-hand equipment as in a certain
un-readiness-to-hand (Heidegger, BT, H74(p.103-104 and foot note 1 pg.104))
Present-to-hand but unable to be used. Not ready-to-hand.
Covered-up-ness: Counter concept of 'phenomenon' (Heidegger,
BT, H36(p.60))
Circumspection: a kind of awareness in which one looks around
before one decides just what one ought to do next (Heidegger, BT, H69(p.98)).
Curiosity: ...concerns itself with seeing, not in order
to understand what is seen but just in order to see (Heidegger, BT, H172(p.216)). In this kind of seeing, that which is an
issue for its possibilities of abandoning itself to the world [...]
...seeks restlessness and the excitement of continual novelty and changing
encounters [...] ...concerned with the constant possibility of distraction
(Heidegger, BT, H172(p.216)). discloses
everything and anything, yet in such a way that Being-in is everywhere and
nowhere (Heidegger, BT, H177(p.221)).
Constitution, of: not
tarrying in the environment with which one concerns oneself
Distraction by new possibilities
Never dwelling anywhere: In being everywhere and nowhere, curiosity is
delivered to idle talk (Heidegger, BT,
In its very Being, that Being is an issue for it (Heidegger, BT,
H12(p.32)). is existentially that which, in its potentiality-for-Being, it is not yet (Heidegger, BT,
inauthenticity, of: ...a... distinctive kind of Being-in-the-world...
which is completely
fascinated by the 'world' and by the Dasein-with of Others in the "they" (Heidegger, BT, H176(p.220)).
de tróp: fr.
too much, too many in the way, not wanted, superfluous, excessive
Disclosedness, Being
of: States of mind, understanding
and discourse (Heidegger, BT, H180(p.224)).
Discourse: The equiprimordial characterization of
state-of-mind and understanding (Heidegger, BT, H133(p.172)). The existential-ontological foundation of
language... [...] ...existentially equiprimordial with state-of-mind and
understanding (Heidegger, BT, H161(p.203)).
...the way in which we articulate 'significantly' the intelligibility of
Being-in-the-world (Heidegger, BT, H161(p.204)). ...Being-with...'explicitly' shared [...]
Being-in and its state-of-mind...made known...(Heidegger, BT, H162(p.205)).
Constitution, of:
What is
talked about
What is
Distantiality: A Being-with-one-another having the character
of [...] constant care as to the way one (Dasein) differs from them (the Other Daseins) (Heidegger, BT, H126(p.163-164))
Doxa: gr. belief
εíδω - knowledge, perceive, see mentally, experience, become acquainted
with, appear or seem (Greek Lexicon)
Cognition of
essences (Husserl)
Eidetic necessity: Any eidetic particularization and
singularization of an eidetically universal predicatively formed affair-complex
(Husserl, Ideas I, p. 14)
Eidetic singularity:
divided into abstract and concrete. (Husserl, Ideas I, p.30)
Eidetic research:
single facts…disappear from…theoretical regard (Husserl, Ideas I, p.68).
Eidetic universality: Universal judgements with regard to essences.
All straight lines are straight lines; all triangles are triangles independent
of particular qualities. i.e. lengths, arrangement of angles etc…
1. An
abrupt drop of consciousness into the magical (Sartre, Emotions, p. 90).
2. One
way consciousness understands its 'being-in-the-world' (Sartre, Emotions, p.
3. Refers
to what it signifies.
4. A
transformation of the world.
5. A
phenomenon of belief.
6. The
demeanor of a body in a certain state.
7. Undergone.
8. An
organized form of human existence (Sartre, Emotions, p. 18).
9. A
certain way of apprehending the world (Sartre, Emotions, p. 52)
10. In every emotion a host of affective
pretensions are directed toward the future to set it up in an emotional light
(Sartre, Emotions, p. 81).
ens creatum:
(Latin) from nothing comes created being
Entangling: The alienation of falling--at once tempting
and tranquillizing--leads by its own movement, to Dasein's getting entangled in
itself (Heidegger, BT, H180(p.224)).
…completely abstaining from any judgement regarding the doctrinal content of
any previous philosophy and effecting all of our demonstrations within the
limits set by this abstention.
(Husserl, Ideas I, p.34) …a certain refraining from judgement which is
compatible with the unshaken conviction of truth, even with the unshakable
conviction of evident truth (Husserl, Ideas I, p.59-60)
Equipment: Entities encountered in 'concern' (Heidegger,
BT, H68(p.96)) The ready-to-hand (Heidegger, BT, H76(p.107))
Essence of the image: the absolute certainty of the content of
reflection (Sartre, PI, p. 3).
Evanescent: vanishing, passing away, fleeting
ex nihilo:
(Latin) from nothing
Exigence: (rhetoric)
A call to speak. needing to be said. requiring comment. (French) requirement.
Existential positing: posits being (Husserl)
The state of Being that is constitutive for those entities that exist
(Heidegger, BT, H13(p.33))
Extension, empirical: the restriction to a sphere of factual being by virtue of a combined
positing of factual being annulling the
pure universality. (Husserl, Ideas I, p. 27)
The factuality of Dasein's existence as a fact...implies that an entity
'within-the-world' has Being-in-the-world in such a way that it can understand
itself as bound up in its 'destiny' with the Being of those entities which it
encounters within its own world (Heidegger, BT, H56(p. 82)).
Falling: ...a movement which is existentially its own
(Heidegger, BT, H134(p.172)). Signif[ies]
that Dasein is proximally and for the most part alongside the 'world' of its concern [...] "Fallenness" into the 'world' means
an absorption in Being-with-one-another, in so far as the latter is guided by
idle talk, curiosity, and ambiguity (Heidegger, BT, H175(p.220)). An existential
mode of Being-in-the-world (Heidegger, BT, H176(p.221)). ...reveals an essential ontological structure of Dasein itself (Heidegger, BT,
Nature of: idle talk, curiosity, and ambiguity--Dasein's
everyday kind of Being (Heidegger, BT,
Movement of, (essential
characteristics): temptation, tranquilizing, alienation, and entanglement (Heidegger, BT,
For-Itself: human consciousness (Sartre)
For-the-sake-of-which: Dasein exist[ing] as itself (Heidegger, BT,
Fore-structure: ...the essential foundation of something
interpreted as something (Heidegger, BT, H150(p.191)). circumspective
Fore-having: ...something we have in
advance [...] ...interpretation operates in Being
towards a totality of involvements which is already understood
Fore-sight: ...something we see in advance
[...] ...'takes the first cut' out of what has
been taken into our fore-having, and it does so with a view to a definite way in which this can be interpreted
Fore-conception: ...something we grasp
in advance [...] Anything understood which
is held in our fore-having and towards which we set our sights 'foresightedly', becomes conceptualizable
through the interpretation (Heidegger, BT,
H150(p.191)). Previously understood concepts have a role in future interpretations (intuited interpretation)
Heterogeneity: different in kind
The state of Being that is constitutive for Dasein's 'historizing' (Heidegger,
BT, H20(p.41))
Hodology: Greek hodo. Path. psych: paths in life. philo:
study of interconnected ideas.
Homogeneity: of same kind or nature
Hyletic: Hyle =
stuff, objects (Husserl)
Hypostasized: to assume the reality of an idea,
proposition, etc.
Hysteresis: the reactions of a system to change as
dependent upon its past reactions to change
Idle talk: ...signifies a positive
phenomenon which constitutes the kind of Being of everyday Dasein's
understanding and interpreting (Heidegger, BT, H168(p.211)). ...the possibility
of understanding everything without previously making the thing one's own
(Heidegger, BT, H169(p.213)). ...that
something has been said groundlessly, and then gets passed along in further
retelling, amounts to perverting the act of disclosing into an act of closing
off. [...] a closing off, since to go back to the ground of what is
talked about is something which it leaves undone. [...] ...discourages any new
inquiry and any disputation, and in a peculiar way suppresses them and holds
them back (Heidegger, BT, H169(p.213)). the kind of Being which belongs to Dasein's understanding when
that understanding has been uprooted [...] ...this uprooting is...Dasein's most
everyday and most stubborn 'Reality' (Heidegger, BT, H170(p.214)). ...discloses
to Dasein a Being towards its world, towards Others, and towards itself--a
Being in which these are understood, but in a mode of groundless floating
(Heidegger, BT, H177(p.221)).
Illusion of Immanence:
(Sartre) The confusion of the image
of imaginative consciousness with the object
of consciousness. (Sartre, PotI, p.8) The belief that the image is in
consciousness and that the object of the image is in the image. (Sartre, PotI,
p. 4-5) Image: a production of the
imaginative consciousness, i.e. the image or idea of chair. Object: External phenomenon, i.e. an
actual chair. The confusion of mental images with external objects.
describable only [through a reflective act during] which attention is taken
away from the object and directed to the manner in which the object is given
(Sartre, PI, p. 3). Created by and subsequently available to reflective
consciousness. Also see Essence of the image. ...inherently like the material
object it represents (Sartre, PI, p. 6).
In-Itself: the world of things (Sartre)
Incantation: Symbolically
approximate behavior (Sartre, Emotions, p. 69). Possesses the object by magic (symbolically).
(Sartre, Emotions, p. 70).
Individuum: A
This-here (Tode ti), the material essence of which is a concretum. (Husserl,
Ideas I, p.29). …is the primal object required by pure logic…to which all
logical variants refer. (Husserl, Ideas I, p.30)
Infima: largest
of lowest elements of a set (Husserl). Infimae species a.k.a. eidetic
singularities (Husserl, Ideas I, p. 23)
Interpretation: ...development of the understanding [...] In
interpretation, understanding...becomes itself (Heidegger, BT,
H148(p.188)). ...the working-out of
possibilities projected in understanding. [...] ...circumspection's discovery (Heidegger,
BT, H148(p.189)). grounded in something we see in advance--in a
fore-sight...with a view to a definite way...this can be interpreted [...] (Heidegger,
BT, H150(p.191))
Intuition: The ability to understand something
immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning
(Heidegger, BT, H62(p.90))
Lacked, the: a totality broken by "the lacking"
and restored by the synthesis of "the lacking" and "the
existing" (Sartre)
Lacking, the: that which is missing (Sartre)
Lacuna: a gap in an otherwise rational
Meaning: When
entities within-the-world are discovered along with the Being of Dasein (Heidegger,
BT, H1151(p.192)). ...that wherein the intelligibility of something
maintains itself [...] That which can be Articulated in a disclosure by which
we understand [...] ...the "upon-which" of a projection in terms of
which something becomes intelligible as something; it gets its structure from a
fore-having, a fore-sight, and a fore-conception [...] ...conceived as the
formal-existential framework of the disclosedness which belongs to
understanding [...] existentiale of Dasein (only Dasein can be meaningful
or meaningless) [...] (Heidegger,
BT, H151(p.193)).
unmeaning: ontologico-existentially...all
entities whose kind of Being is of a character
other than Dasein's [...] only that which is unmeaning can be absurd (Heidegger, BT, H152(p.193)).
Method: ...produce images, reflect upon
them, describe them... (Sartre, PI, p. 4)
Monad: unextended, indivisible, basic
ultimate constituent of the universe and microcosm of it
Mutatis mutandis: Latin: Things having been changed that have to
be changed. With the respective differences having been considered. (Merriam-Webster)
Négatités: (Sartre) negativities,
nonentities, absences, negative realities. Origin " infinite number
of realities which are not only objects of judgment, but which are experienced,
opposed, feared, etc., by the human being and which in their inner structure
are inhabited by negation, as by a necessary condition of their existence"
(Sartre, BnN, pg. 55).
Noema: Pure experiential content. What is given to
consciousness. The content of consciousness.
The perceived as perceived.
correlative: Objective sense...the
object (post reduction). Object as object. The object of consciousness.
"Dimming one's light" > Gloom. Withdrawal > Refuge.
Noesis: νóοσ -
mind, sense, exercise of reason. The
eidetic presupposition of the idea of the norm (Husserl).
Noetic: An act of consciousness.... judging,
remembering etc. The act of consciousness.
Noetic correlative: Imagination (neomatic correlate) - the
imaginary (noetic correlate).
Note on the correlation: The
correlatives are opposite sides of the same coin. Noematic correlative
is the content of a consciousness. Noetic correlative is the act of
consciousness. Both are necessary. Consciousness must be consciousness of
something. Noema is the thing. Noetic is the act.
Obstinacy (mode of):
Obstacle to the achievement of some purpose which must be attended to or
disposed of before finishing what we want to do. (Heidegger,
BT, H74(p.103-104 and foot note 1 pg.104)) present-to-hand not ready-to-hand
Obtrusiveness (mode
of): not there to be used.
Un-ready-to-hand. That which is ready-to-hand becomes obtrusive, obnoxious
(Heidegger, BT, H74(p.103-104 and foot note 1 pg.104)) Just present-to-hand and
no more
Ontical inquiry:
Primarily concerned with entities and the facts about them (Heidegger, BT,
Ontological inquiry:
Primarily concerned with Being (Heidegger, BT, H11(p.31)).
Other, the: Existentially: These entities are
neither present-at-hand nor ready-to-hand...they are there too and there with [...]
Those from does not distinguish oneself -- those among whom one is too (Heidegger, BT, H118(p.154)).
Environmentally: they are what
they do [...] there is constant care as to the way one differs from them [...]
'The Others'... "the they" ... prescribes the kind of Being of
everydayness (Heidegger, BT, H126(p.163-164)). Dasein not my own.
Note: the
separation of the Other into existential and environmental modes is a function
of Distantiality.
Phenomena of Belief: physiological phenomena represent the
seriousness of the emotion (Sartre, Emotions, p. 74). Emotion is a phenomenon
of belief (Sartre, Emotions, p. 75).
Phenomenal: That which is given and explicable in the way
the phenomenon is encountered (Heidegger, BT, H37(p.61))
residuum: That which remains of consciousness after phenomenological
reduction and constitutes the subject matter of phenomenology. (Husserl, Ideas
I, p.65-66). …the sphere of pure consciousness…
(including pure Ego) … (Husserl, Ideas
I, p.65).
'To the things themselves' (Heidegger, BT, H28(p.50)). To let that which shows
itself in the very way in which it shows itself from itself (Heidegger, BT,
Phenomenon: That
which shows itself in itself (Heidegger, BT, H29(p.51))
Positional act: being positing (Husserl)
Praxis: practice informed by theory
(Being): existentia
Projection: An
existential structure of understanding (Heidegger, BT, H145(p.184-185)). throwing, throws before itself the
possibility as possibility, and lets it be
as such (Heidegger, BT, H145(p.185)).
...Being is understood, though not ontologically conceived (Heidegger,
BT, H147(p.187))
Proto-doxic: belief certainty as primal belief (Husserl)
Pullulation: to send forth buds, breed rapidly, exist
Ready-to-hand: The kind of Being which
equipment possesses--in which it manifests itself in its own right. (Heidegger,
BT, H-69 (pg. 98)) is the way in which entities as they are 'in themselves' are
defined ontologico-categorically (Heidegger, BT, H71(p.101)). Equipment
(Heidegger, BT, H76(p.107)). its serviceability,
its usability, and its detrimentality (Heidegger, BT, H144(p.184)). ...always understood in terms of a totality of
involvements [...] the essential foundation for everyday circumspective
interpretation (Heidegger, BT, H150(p.191)).
Reference (aka assignment): ...that by which readiness-to-hand itself is constituted (Heidegger, BT,
Region: [Where]
concrete empirical objectivity finds its place within a highest material genus of empirical objects. (Husserl, Ideas I, p. 18) …total highest generic unity belonging to a
concretum. (Husserl, Ideas I, p.31)
magnetic flux remaining in a magnetic circuit after an applied magneto motive
force has been removed
Renascent perception: being reborn, springing again into being
Repletion: fullness or over fullness
Scissiparity: reproduction by fission
Sight: ...corresponds to the "clearedness"
which...character[izes] the disclosedness of the "there" [...] ...a
universal term for characterizing any access to entities or to Being, as access
in general (Heidegger, BT, H146(p.187))
Sign: 1)
causes one to envision something and limits one to envisioning something. This something is disparate (Sartre, PI,
p.31). Does not deliver its object. Empty intention. Non-intentional. Sign + affirmation = judgement. Habitual. (Sartre)
2) An item of equipment which explicitly raises
a totality of equipment into our circumspection
so that together with it the worldly character of the ready-to-hand announces itself (Heidegger, BT,
3) ...something ontically ready-to-hand, which
functions both as this definite equipment
and as something indicative of the ontological structure of readiness-to-hand, of referential totalities, and
of worldhood (Heidegger, BT H83(p.114))
4) Signs always indicate primarily 'wherein' one
lives, where one's concern dwells,
what sort of involvement there is with something (Heidegger, BT, H80(p.111))
- The passage to emotion.
- "...every
state of consciousness is the equivalent of something other than
itself" (Sartre, Emotions, p.43). This equivalence is the state's
- meaning
- One
thing psychoanalysis may have gotten right.
State-of-mind: ontically:
mood, Being attuned (Heidegger, BT, H134(p.172)). ontologically:
...a fundamental existentiale
phenomenon [...] 'how one is'...brings Being to [one's] "there"
(Heidegger, BT, H134(p.173)). existential-ontologically: ...cognitive determining has its Constitution
in the state-of-mind of Being-in-the-world (Heidegger, BT, H138(p.177))
essential characteristic: ...[States-of-mind] disclose Dasein in its
thrownness, and
... in the manner of an evasive turning-away (Heidegger, BT, H136(p.175)).
essential characteristic: ...[States-of-mind]
disclose the equiprimordality of
the world, Dasein-with, and existence essential to Being-in-the-world (Heidegger, BT,
essential characteristic: Dasein's
openness to the world is constituted existentially by the attunement of a
state-of-mind. [...] The fact that thing[s]
matter ... is grounded in one's state-of-mind (Heidegger, BT, H137(p.176)). ...a state-of-mind implies a disclosive
submission to the world,
out of which we can encounter something that matters to us (Heidegger, BT, H137(p.177)).
Syncretism: union of differing or opposing principles
Syntax: The way words are put together.
Surreptitiously: obtained, done, made ... by stealth, secret,
Temporal Interpretation of Being:
Tempting: ...if Dasein itself, in idle talk and in the
way things have been publicly interpreted, presents to itself the possibility
of losing itself in the "they" and falling into groundlessness, this
tells us that Dasein prepares for itself a constant temptation towards falling
(Heidegger, BT, H177(p.221)).
There, the: The entity which is essentially constituted
by Being-in-the-world. [...] the Being which is an issue for this entity in its
very Being is to be its 'there' (Heidegger, BT, H132(p.171)). ...a kind of Being which we Interpret as falling (Heidegger, BT, H134(p.172)). ...receives its Constitution through
understanding and through the character of understanding as projection
(Heidegger, BT, H145(p.186)).
Thetic: positive and arbitrary, dogmatic
They, the: Environmentally: The Other. Existential characteristics: Distantiality,
averageness and leveling-down (Heidegger, BT, H127(p.165)). These three existentiales of the 'they' constitute
publicness. ...the "nobody" to whom every Dasein has
already surrendered itself in Being-among-one-another [...] the 'Realest subject'
of everydayness (Heidegger, BT, H128(p.166)).
...prescribes one's state-of-mind, and determines what and how one
'sees' (Heidegger, BT, H170(p.213)).
Tode ti: grk,
thisness. (Aristotle). This here! (Husserl, Ideas I, p.28)
Tranquilizing: The supposition of the "they" that
one is leading and sustaining a full and genuine 'life'... (Heidegger, BT,
consciousness: pure consciousness (Husserl, Ideas I, p.66)
Transcendental Epoche:
…the operation by which transcendental consciousness is reached… (Husserl,
Ideas I, p.66)
Transcendental reduction[s]:
phenomenological reduction from an epistemological point of view. (Husserl,
Ideas I, p.66)
Transparency: The sight which is existence
[...] 'knowledge of the Self' (Heidegger, BT, H146(p.186)). ...seizing upon the full disclosedness of
Being-in-the-world throughout all the
constitutive items which are essential to it, and doing so with understanding
(Heidegger, BT, H146(p.187)).
Turbulence: ...understanding...constantly torn away from
authenticity and into the "they" [...] ...the character of the
movement of falling (Heidegger, BT, H178(p.223)).
being everywhere at the same time, omnipresent
Understanding: ...the existential Being of Dasein's own
potentiality-for-Being; and it is so in such a way that this Being discloses in
itself what its Being is capable of (Heidegger, BT, H144(p.184)). As projecting, understanding is the kind of
Being of Dasein in which it is its
possibilities as possibilities (Heidegger, BT, H145(p.185)). ...Dasein project[ing] its Being upon
possibilities (Heidegger, BT, H146(p.187))
Authentic: arising out of one's own Self (Heidegger, BT,
Inauthentic: arising not solely out of one's own Self
(intuited paraphrase)
Understanding, Circle
of, the: p.194-195
Problem: Any interpretation which is to contribute
understanding, must already have
understood what is to be interpreted (Heidegger, BT, H152(p.194)). logic: circulus
Solution: the expression of the existential fore-structure of Dasein itself [...] ...the ontological presuppositions of
historiological knowledge transcend in principle
the idea of rigour held in the most exact sciences (Heidegger, BT, H65(p.93)). The narrower the view the
higher the rigour?
Validity, as primal phenomenon, argument
against: Three significations of
'being valid'
The way of the Being of the ideal: ...the 'form'
of actuality which goes with the content
of the judgment, in so far as that content remains unchanged as opposed to the changeable 'psychical' process of
judgment (Heidegger, BT, H156(p.198)). ed.
Content (form of actuality) is considered unchangeable though the process it goes through (judgment) can change.
Objectivity: ..."validity"
means at the same time the validity of the meaning of the judgment, which is valid of the 'Object' it has in view; and thus,
it attains the signification of an
'Objectively valid character'... ed. does
not differentiate between the meaning
of a judgment about an object and the object the judgment is about.
Bindingness: ...the meaning which is thus 'valid' of an entity, and which is valid 'timelessly' in itself, is said to be 'valid'
also in the sense of being valid for everyone who judges rationally
(Heidegger, BT, H156(p.198)). ed. The
basis for the tyranny of common sense?
Veri: Latin. Truth,
reality, fact
Being which belongs to Dasein (never of a kind which belongs to entities
present-at-hand 'in' the world) (Heidegger, BT, H65(p.93))
nonce solicitude