Monday, September 14, 2020

The Black Terror

The Black Terror

Over the weekend two LA Sheriff’s Department Deputies were shot in an attempted political assassination courtesy of BLM (Bigoted Larcenous Marxists). At the same time, other members of the “Democrat” Party of the USA’s Cheka, BLM, blocked entrances and exits to an LA hospital’s emergency services.

The Cheka? What is the Cheka? The Cheka is the name given to the Bolshevik military style political assassins and enforcers following the Russian Revolution of 1917 who kept the masses in line using murder, intimidation and more murder.

This became known as the Red Terror. It forced Marxism/Communism/Stalinism upon the Russian people thus creating the Soviet Union which murdered as many as 60 million citizen-slaves over a period of 70 years. The Cheka through various iterations eventually became the KGB.

The Cheka were loosely “administered” by the soviets (local “worker unions”) free of regulation or oversight. Each soviet had its own Cheka detachment(s). The Cheka was considered, “…an organization filled with criminals, sadists, and degenerate elements…” by high-ranking Communist officials (Courtois et al. 79). Certain of whom wanted the Cheka done away with. Which only served to do away with certain high-ranking officials.

These sadistic degenerates and criminals carried out the Red Terror. The leader of the Pyatigorsk Cheka, Karl Lander, wrote in a 1920 report, “for lack of a better idea, it was decided to kill people who were in the hospital” (Courtois et al. 101). This to meet an arbitrary quota of 300 executions per day. Interesting how such violent psychopathy can be annunciated using the passive voice. No one was responsible…. apparently.

BLM’s Black Terror is just getting started and has not yet killed the people in the hospital. Though they have put many people there or worse--including the two Sheriff’s Deputies they ambushed sitting in their squad car. Other of these bloodthirsty animals stood around cheering and still others blocked access to hospital emergency services and chanted simple-minded, murderous political slogans.

This, like everything Marxists do, was planned and coordinated by the mentally ill for the glory and gratification of the mentally ill.

Wake up America. BLM is not a human rights organization. They are a hate-filled, Marxist, human wrongs organization. Is it not time to give these rabid dogs what they want? Status! Declare BLM the domestic terror and hate group they are. Make them wish Obama had kept just one of his campaign promises. That of closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay. Round them up and let them experience that Utopia.

The sane among us must rise up in opposition to this idiot parade. None of this has anything to do with race. Do not make of yourself just another useful idiot for the Marxist Revolution in the United States of America as the universities, professional athletics and the mainstream media have done.

Study the Russian Revolution of 1917-1991. There is nothing new here. Marxism is the opiate of the sociopath.



Work Cited

Courtois, Stephane, et al. , eds.  The Black Book of

Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression.  Cambridge: Harvard UP,  2001.

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