Friday, December 28, 2018

Invader Murders Immigrant Policeman

Invasion Destroys: 
Propriety, Achievement and Honor

I will not mention any names. The names are not important. The ideas are important. While everyone has a name, some have trouble with ideas. Today I heard a report on the radio of a man from Fiji. He legally immigrated to The United States (propriety). He chose to be a police officer (achievement). He chose to serve and protect his fellow citizens (honor). He had a family.

            Unfortunately, he can now only be spoken of in the past tense. All his efforts at propriety, achievement and honor ended at the hands of a man to whom propriety is illegality, achievement is murder and honor does not exist.

            The lead voice in the radio report allowed some other voice to finish the report of the murder. When the field reporter sent it back to the lead voice in New York, the lead voice had her tag line. “Sad.”

            Sad is it? I perceived this tag to be, to her, a throwaway line. I perceive this because a person with the celebrity and power granted by the media to the media, could be doing something to stop this. Sad is a three-letter platitude relative in meaning to a 6th grade girl’s “sorrrrrrrrry”.

            Terrible is what it is; this invasion of America and the shattered lives it leaves in its wake. This could be easily stopped, but is not. Terrible are the ideas and attitudes of a murderous ideology which not only refuses to put an end to this Invasion, but intends to profit by it. It ignores law, destroys freedom and if allowed to reach its logical end will lead society’s regress into a new dictatorial dark age. Which I suppose is initially fine for a few people, but eventually only the one at the top.

            The above is why, when elected, government officials swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America (not an oath to the Leader thereof). That should, but apparently does not include the Bill of Rights. The rights granted to each citizen of this great nation. Beginning with the right to LIFE (assuming one was fortunate enough not to be among the 50-70 millionish abortions legitimated courtesy of this same murderous ideology (and its reliance on courts not legislation) in the US since RvW).

            Terrible as this American policeman from Fiji’s death is, the fact that there are people sworn to protect this nation who are intent on doing harm to those who swear to protect and serve its citizens by encouraging an Invasion which kills those protectors is geometrically worse.

But what of the Invaders? Are they not people too? One cannot be blamed for wanting a better life (that is why America is a nation of laws and not dictatorial moods). This nation was formed by those wanting a better life which required setting themselves free from a dictator’s (king’s) moods. One can, however, be blamed for encouraging illegal activity within a system of laws (something for which any individual, average American citizen would be prosecuted)) and promising benefits to those who break laws (rewarding bad behavior). This sends a terrible message and indicates some small group of operators are benefitting themselves at the expense of both sides.

There is a legal way to become a citizen of The United States of America. There is also a way to stop the Invasion through which no one gets dead. This ideology which places its power above all and everything constitutes an argument in favor of murder. Innocent American citizens are being murdered by the actions and inactions this toxic ideology encourages. American citizens get to pay the bill for the abolition of their rights and possibly their lives.

Sad? Avoidable!